Dillingham Superior Court [ AK ]
Street Address
715 Seward St., Dillingham, AK 99576
WWW Link
Dillingham Superior Court is a court in the Third judicial district of Alaska. The main road in the Dillingham area is Knakanak road which becomes Main street.
About the area
Dillingham sits on Nushagak bay. Tyhe The first cannery in in this area was built around 1883 at the Yup’ik Eskimo village of Kanulik on the Nushagak River and was operated as the Arctic Packing Company. This area was known as the Salmon Capital of the World and the oldest cannery standing in the area today is the Clarks Point cannery which no longer processes fish but you can still walk around the place. The Sam Fox museum is named for a Yup'ik carver whose collection is on exhibit here along with Central Yup'ik objects, Truman Emberg papers, original Constitution of State of Alaska, a large basket collection, a skin sewing and fur exhibit, art works and the Dave and Mary Carlson collection.
Hon. Patricia L. Douglass. A magistrate judge also sits in this court.
Mailing Address
Box 909, Dillingham, AK 99576