Sitka Superior Court [ AK ]
Street Address
304 Lake Street, Sitka, AK 99835
WWW Link
Sitka Superior Court is part of Alaska's First judicial district. Some of the major streets in Sitka are Halibut Point road, Lake street and Lincoln street.
About the area
Sitka sits on Sitka sound and to the South is the Sitka National Historic park. This area was home to the Tlingit Indians for many years before settlers arrived. Sitka National Historical park is the site of a battle between invading Russian traders and indigenous Kiks.ádi Tlingit. Tlingit and Haida totem poles are lined up along the park’s scenic coastal trail. The restored Russian Bishop’s House is a riminder of Russian colonial aspirations in North America. There is a mixture of cultures in the heritage her both Tlingit and Russian. Part of this exists in groups like the Naa Kahidi Dancers who present performances of traditional dances in the Sheet'ka Kwaan Naa Kahidi, a Tlingit clan style structure, throughout the Summer.
Hon. David George; a magistrate judge also serves in this court.
Mailing Address
304 Lake St., Rm. 203, Sitka, AK 99835