Wrangell Superior Court [ AK ]
907-874-2311, 12, 13
Street Address
431 Zimovia Hway., Wrangell, AK 99929
WWW Link
Wrangell Superior Court is part of the First judicial district of Alaska. A magistrate judge is also located at this court. Two large roads in this city are Stikine avenue and Zimovia highway.
About the area
Wrangell sits oin a peninsula in the Easter passage. The city's Convention facility along with the Wrangell museum and the Wrangell Visitor center are located in the James and Elsie Nolan center. The museum houses he Wrangell Photo archives with over 5,000 prints, negatives and slides of Wrangell; some dating back to the gold rush period in the late 1800's. The museum also has on display items from its collections of spruceroot and cedarbark baskets from the turn-of-the-century, early settlement of Wrangell by the Russians and the English, Chinese and Japanese influences in Wrangell and Tlingit masks. The Salty Dog rally is the ending in June of a power yacht trip made by a group of boats from Puget sound in Seattle to Wrangell. The participants are treated to a bunch of un events in this city. The Bear fest in July has music, symposiums, a Salmon bake and workshops.
Mailing Address
Box 869 , Wrangell, AK 99929