Ohatchee Municipal Court [ AL ]
Street Address
7801 AL Highway 77, Ohatchee, AL 36271
With a large percentage of the population commuting to work; probably most driving on SR 77, there's a good chance some will end up with traffic violations.
About the area
Ohatchee is small town lying along Logan Martin lake which empties into Ohatchee creek. Janney Furnace built by a Montgomery manufacturer in the 1860's to provide pig iron for the south. This dream was never realized when the Union soldiers during the Civil war knocked the furnace out of commission. Remnants of the furnace are still in existence at Janney Furnace Park Where the city's Civil War Confederate memorial and the museum dedicated to the Confederacy and Native Americans is located.
Mailing Address
7801 AL Hway 77, P.O. Box 645, Ohatchee, AL 36271