Maplesville Municipal Court [ AL ]
Street Address
9400 Alabama Highway 22, Maplesville, AL 36750
Since SR 22 is the only Major road in Maplesville; it's not unreasonable that its municipal court is located on this road.
About the area
Maplesville is located on the edge of the Talladega National forest. The population change experienced by Maplesville since 2000 of +4%; only resulted in a population of under 700. People in this town, named for one of its original store owners, are well spread out in an area of three plus square miles. It seems like the thieves targeting small businesses in Jemison are plaguing this town and the rest of the county as well. Stolen credit cards were reported used at groceries in this town.
Honorable Bill Latham
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 9, Maplesville, AL 36750