Fort Payne Municipal Court [ AL ]
Street Address
100 Alabama Avenue, Fort Payne, AL 35967
If you want to get through Fort Payne fast why would you go any other way but on US 11 which merges with SR 35 for part of its way through the city.
Fort Payne Court is actually at City Hall, and we're told it's not really a courthouse at all. But the Fort Payne Municipal Court's courtroom is here. This link is to the Fort Payne Courthouse.
About the area
The kids and even adults will enjoy a visit to the Fort Payne Depot Museum. It's located in a railroad depot built at the beginning of the 1890's and is an example of Romanesque architecture whose features are turrets and arched windows. It has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Inside this building there are exhibits of American Indian artifacts, 19th-century farm and office equipment, photographs and household items from the late 1800s and early 1900s. There is also a caboose and important to the kids more than 90 dioramas depicting nursery rhymes and historic events.
Hours of Operation
Sessions are on Mon. at 4; office is open eight to four
Hon. PH Tate
Mailing Address
Fort Payne Municipal Court
One Hundred Alabama Ave., Fort Payne, AL 35967