Millbrook Municipal Court [ AL ]
Street Address
3841 Grandview Road, Millbrook, AL 36054
Millbrook is the place where SR 143 meets CR's 8 and 23. Using CR 8 motorists can reach IS 65 on the West.
About the area
Millbrook has planning which maintains residential developments in natural settings, with neighborhood parks and beautiful views. This has contibuted to major growth in population in the last few years.The Alabama Wildlife Federation and Alabama Nature Center is located on the Lanark estate and consists of over 300 acres of forests, fields, streams, wetlands, and ponds all traversed by five miles of boardwalks and trails. Each summer Summerfest is celebrated in late July at the Pines Golf Course with music and fireworks. will begin around 9:00 PM...Residents are invited to bring their lawnchairs, picnic baskets and coolers and even enjoy dncing under the stars.
The Honorable Benjamin Pool
Mailing Address
3841 Grandview Rd., Millbrook, AL 36054