Tallassee Municipal Court [ AL ]
Street Address
3 Freeman Avenue, Tallassee, AL 36078
Tallassee extends into Tallapoosa county and the court is located in this county. SR 14 which crosses the Tallapoosa river over the Fitzpatrick Bridge and connects the two halves of the city; meets SR 229 in the Western part of the city.
About the area
Alabama Power Company operates a hydroelectric power plant here at the Thurlow Dam. Tallassee played a part in the Civil War when the Confederate army moved the Richmond Carbine Factory to an old Tallassee cotton mill and then began manufacturing the carbines there. This Armory was the only Confederate one not destroyed during the American Civil War. This city seems to have a problem with fires. In 2009 the historic Hotel Talisi was destroyed by a fire and the Roxy Theater built in the late 1920s was gutted by fire in 1945.
Hon. Linda Greenfield
Mailing Address
Three Freeman Ave., Tallassee, AL 36078