Etowah County District Court [ AL ]
Street Address
800 Forrest Avenue, Gadsden, AL 35901
About the area
Downtown Gadsden is the place to shop and see many examples of old brick buildings. The area has been selected for the National List of Historic places. Amidst the other buldings is the Pittman theater, the showplace at one time for the latest in cinema. Now the city is restoring this site with the rebuilding of the exterior and the interior. although the original lobby and projection booth are still in place, the auditorium had to be gutted. At present, plans call for the theater to be converted into a multi-purpose community center and a transportation museum. The city is home to two institutions of higher learning; the Gadsden campus of the University of Alabama and the Gadsden State Community college. The latter school has over 8000 students and offers the Associate in Science and Associate in Applied Science degrees in several fields as well as degrees in the Health sciences and such diverse fields as Automotive Collision repair and Cosmetology.
Mailing Address
Eight Hundred Forrest Ave., Gadsden, AL 35901