Fairfield Municipal Court [ AL ]
Street Address
5231 Court B, Fairfield, AL 35064
With IS 20/59 located on the Western edge of Fairfield; the only other major road running through the city is CR 56 and SR 5, SR 7 and US 11 in the Eastern part of the city.
About the area
This city experienced a singular honor early in the 20th century when former President Theodore Roosevelt spoke at the dedication ceremony of the city which was originally named Corey. To house workers in their new Fairfield Works plant, Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company initially planned and built this city. Fairfield's Glen Oaks Park is the recipient of a much needed renovbation with New playground equip­ment and refurbished bathrooms. This park is used as a field for football, base­ball and soccer teams. Its soccer fields were used as an Olympics train­ing site in 1996.
Hon. Debra Bennett Winston
Mailing Address
5231 Court B, Fairfield, AL 35064