Vestavia Hills Municipal Court [ AL ]
Street Address
513 Montgomery Highway, Vestavia Hills, AL 35266
US 31 splits the city into Eastern and Western halves.
About the area
The city's annual I Love America Summer Celebration Series is Presented by the Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Vestavia Hills Parks and Recreation department in July and August at Wald park. This event features Children’s Activities and music. At about 8PM movies are shown. Admission to this event only requires that you bring a chair or blanket. One of the earliest residents, a former mayor of Birmingham, in the 1920's built a home in the area designed after the Temple of Vesta in Rome. This home he named Vestavia, or home by the way; leading to the eventual naming of the city.
This court is served by a Municipal Judge, Tommy Spina and two magistrates.
Mailing Address
PO Box 660854, Vestavia Hills, AL 35266