Macon District Court [ AL ]
Street Address
101 East Rosa Parks Avenue, Tuskegee, AL 36083
Many of the motorists who drive on IS 85 and believe this road is a raceway and not a highway will probably find their way to the Macon District Court.
About the area
Most will know the name Rosa Parks who defied the segregationist laws on her famous bus ride and for whom the street is named where the courthouse is located. Tuskegee is also the place where an educator, Booker T. Washington came to a relatively unknown educational institution, Tuskegee Institute and developed its promise with the establishment of a college degree granting institution, the Tuskegee University. Lake Tuskegee recreational area is owned by the city and has playgrounds and picnic areas. Over 90 acres of water in the park provide opportunities for fishing, sailing, and water skiing .
Mailing Address
Macon County District Court
101 E. Rosa Parks Ave., Tuskegee, AL 36083