Guin Courthouse [ AL ]
Street Address
7500 US Highway 43, Guin, AL 35563
This city has lots of streets and SR 44, SR 107, SR 142, US Hway 43 or US Hway 278 will get you to just about all of them.
About the area
In its early years: Guin had a well, which served the town as its water system, as the centerpiece of its first street. The city has come a long way planning a commercial development on SR 44 to be called the The Crossings at 44. This site will have fast food and family restaurants along with convenience/gas stations as well as other commercial properties. At present its anchored by a nationally known motel with over 80 rooms. The city has started a project to paint murals on local buildings. This is an ongoing project with depictions of scenes and buildings past and present.
Presiding Judge: Hon. Matt LeDuke
Mailing Address
Seventy-Five Hundred US Hway 43, PO Box 249, Guin, AL 35563