Marion Courthouse [ AL ]
Street Address
402 Washington St., Marion, AL 36756
**Street address is closest we can get on map - we think Google Maps has an error**
SR 289 is the main drag in Marion and it links up with SR 14, CR 29 and CR 45 to get you to anywhere in the city.
About the area
This is the place to come to for a good education in a small town. Judson College and Marion Military Institute are located here and Samford University and Alabama State University had their start here. Judson college has a broad liberal arts curriculum leading to a bachelor's degree. However, this is not a one dimensional institution. Other paths of study offered include pre-professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, physical therapy, law, and engineering. Marion Military Institute has a good reputation for preparing their students for further study at senior institutions. A strong curriculum taught in a small class atmosphere is provided to the cadets leading to the the associate in arts and associate in science degrees. .
Hon. Patrick Arrington
Mailing Address
123 E. Jefferson St., PO Drawer 959, Marion, AL 36756