Pike County District Court [ AL ]
Street Address
120 West Church Street, Troy, AL 36081
About the area
Troy University is a public institution which has the distinction of being the second largest university in the state and has an enrollment of over 28,000 with campuses here and elsewhere in the state. It has colleges of Arts and Sciences, Communication and Fine Arts, Education, Health and Human Services and the Sorrell College of Business. Its graduate school includes the colleges of Arts and Sciences, Education, Health and Human Services and the Sorrell College of Business. The efforts of a dedicated group of local citizens in Troy led to the purchase of the classical-revival style post office which was built around 1910 to use as a Cultural Arts Complex to serve the citizens of Troy and Pike County. The complex includes the Johnson Center for the Arts, the Studio and the Annex where you will find finely crafted paintings and collectibles.
Mailing Address
120 W. Church St., Troy, AL 36081