Columbiana Municipal Court [ AL ]
Street Address
107 Mildred Street, Columbiana, AL 35051
You can come to court on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 2:00 pm. That road that goes everywhere, SR 25, runs in the Western part of town.
About the area
Although George and Martha Washington lived in Mount Vernon, the Smith Harrison Museum here has a large collection of their memorabilia. The museum also displays art and artifacts from the colonial period through 1865 as well as pieces of 18th and 19th century furniture. The Shelby County Museum & Archives is located in the Old Shelby County Courthouse, built in the 1850's which is designated a historic landmark by the National Register of Historic Places. Although the facility is dedicated to the discovery, collection, and preservation of all things related to the history of Shelby County as evidenced by its collection of records, books, periodicals, microfilm, microfiche and family folders; the museum displays many old Shelby County photographs and artifacts from the Indian era through WWII.
The Honorable Mike T. Atchinson
Mailing Address
One-Oh-Seven Mildred St., Columbiana, AL 35051