Harpersville Municipal Court [ AL ]
Street Address
83 Town Hall Lane, Harpersville, AL 35078
In this town you can go from SR 25 to US 231 or US 280 and vice versa. They all meet in the center of town.
About the area
Each year, at the end of July, Harpersville's citizens celebrate the city's history and heritage at the Harpersville Homecoming festival. Events at this festival include a classic car show and historical enactments. The entertainment and the food available at the festival insure that a good time is had by one and all. Harpersville is popular enough that a rogue Indiana pilot faked a distress call and parachuted from his Piper Meridian into the city where he had hidden a motorcycle to use in fleeing the area. Guess he was just as anxious to get out as he was to get in.
Hon. Larry Ward
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 370, Harpersville, AL 35078