Hoover Municipal Court [ AL ]
Street Address
2020 Valleydale Road, Hoover, AL 35244
Although the Hoover Municipal court is located in the part of the city of Hoover in Shelby county; it serves all of Hoover in Jefferson county and Shelby county. IS 459, IS 65, US 31 SR 261 and SR 150 all run through the city of Hoover.
About the area
Hoover lies in both Jefferson and Shelby counties. Its population of close to 73,000 occupying a land area of approximately 43 square miles rates it as the largest of Birmingham's suburbs. Although you know the city was not named after the Hoover vacuum cleaner; it wasn't named after Herbert Hoover either. In fact it was named after a local insurance company owner. There are 3 wonderful sites to visit in this city. The Aldridge Botanical Gardens, former estate of the Aldridge family, is a woodland garden covering about 30 acres which exhibits hydrangeas and native plants. It also is the site of a lake covering almost six acres. Regions Park is the home of the Birmingham Barons minor league baseball team. For nightime entertainment there is the Stardome Theater which showcases nationally known and touring comedians as well as an occasional appearance by magicians, variety shows and other entertainment in a caberet setting.
Hon. Brad Bishop
Mailing Address
2020 Valleydale Rd., Hoover, AL 35244