Brookwood Municipal Court [ AL ]
Street Address
15689 Highway 216, Brookwood, AL 35444
In this town even the courthouse is located on SR 216, but another good road, Covered Bridge road, runs South from 216.
About the area
This town maintains a bucolic character. It's not unusual to see bob-white's, hear the hoot of an owl or the calls of the whip-poor-will, or see a mocking bird. From time to time you will probably see Deer across the street from the Town Hall and if you go down to the nearby Black Warrior River you will spot soaring eagles. This river, which runs north to south through Tuscaloosa County provides the opportunity for picnicking, fishing, boating or swimming. The town park adjacent to the Town Hall not only caters to toddlers and 7-12 year olds with a playground for each group; but also has baseball and softball fields, tennis and volleyball courts. Something for everyone if you want to have fun.
Hon. Dennis Steverson
Mailing Address
15689 Hway 216, Brookwood, AL 35444