Walker County District Court [ AL ]
Street Address
1801 Third Avenue South, Jasper, AL 35501
About the area
Jasper was first settled in 1815, but was not incorporated until years later in the 1880's. Much of its growthwas due completion of the Kansas City-Memphis and Birmingham and the Sheffield and Birmingham railroads through Jasper soon after the city's incorporation. The rairoads supported the 400 coke ovens, six coal mines, one foundry and machine shop, two saw mills, one brick work, two sand stone quarries, four hotels and two banks operating in the area. Today the population of the city is over 14,000 up from the 200 living in the city at the time of incorporation.
Hon. Larry Lapkovitch is the Presiding judge.
Mailing Address
1801 Third Ave. S., Jasper, AL 35501