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Melbourne Circuit Court

Phone 870-368-4316
Map Google Map
Mailing Address Eighty E. Main St., Melbourne, AR 72556
Street Address 80 East Main Street, Melbourne, AR 72556
Fax 368-4748
WWW Link
Melbourne Circuit Court is the Sixteenth Circuit Court of Izard county in the Arkansas Judicial Circuit court system. It shares a clerk, mailing address, phone number, fax number with and is located in the same building as the Izard County court.
About the area
The annual Pioneer Day festival begins on the first Friday in may and is held in downtown Melbourne, at courthouse square and at the Izard County Fairgrounds. The festival has a host events to entertain the visitor. One of the most exciting events is the rodeo held on Friday night at the fairgrounds. Other events include the street dance, the kiddie parade with the kids dressed in costumes and the main parade. The main parade usually includes horseback riders dressed up like their ancestors from the wild west. There are other things to do as well such as browse the vendor booths, take part or watch the Karaoke contest. or attend the Pioneer Gun and Knife show Everyone enjoys the live musical entertainment.
Tips from Lawyers

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