Springerville Municipal Court [ AZ ]
Street Address
130 S Mountain Ave S, Springerville, AZ 85938
About the area
You must have heard of the Madonna’s of the Trail. These are the 12 monuments that were constructed in the spirit of the women. They were placed on a trail from Bethesda of Maryland to Upland in California. The town of Springer Ville has one of them. All the 12 statues were created by a single sculptor. United States is the only country in the entire world which has done something like this for women. Springerville is very close to the White Mountains, the home of the Ponderosas Pine. You are also close to the Sunrise Ski Resort and the Apache Sitgreaves national Forest. These forests extend all the way into New Mexico covering a portion of the White Mountains. The entry point into the forest is through the city.
Mailing Address
PO Box 1356, Springerville, AZ 85938