Winterhaven Superior Court [ CA ]
(760) 572-0354
Street Address
2124 Winterhaven Dr, Winterhaven, CA 92283
Winterhaven Traffic Court sees business from Interstate 8 and some other highways. They're bragging on the website about free parking. Looking at a map, you'd hope so. There's nothing around here.
About the area
Located on the Mexican border, the closest cities are Baja and Mexicali and Yuma in Arizona (only 5 miles away). Just 60 miles from here is the chocolate mountains, a gunnery Range in the United States and also a recreation place. . Winterhaven is actually a desert, at least a part of it is and there is nothing winter-y about it. The Picacho State recreation Area is the only sole attraction in this city. The weather is mostly hot and dry here and sometimes you are faced with extreme weather conditions. Being a desert it does not have much to offer in terms of outing and recreation.
Hours of Operation
Type Of Cases
I-8 speeding tickets, and some DUI cases maybe.
Mailing Address
Winterhaven Superior Court
Twenty-One-Twenty-Four Winterhaven Drive, Winterhaven, CA 92283