Whittier Superior Court [ CA ]
(562) 907-3127
Street Address
7339 South Painter Ave, Whittier, CA 90602
WWW Link
About the area
Whittier is popular for its Whittier Ivy League College. Whittier is also popular for arts and culture and this is evident when you visit the Gateway Park or the Barefoot Boy. The Arch is an architectural beauty and one has to see it to know it. There are three Historic Residential Districts in this city and visiting them could be an ideal past time in the afternoons. For shopping it is the Whittwood Mall. While indulging in any of these activities it is a good idea to get some Mexican chow which is the bets food out here.
Hours of Operation
8 to 4:30, Monday through Friday, except court holidays.
Samantha Jessner might be the big queso in the Whittier court house.
Mailing Address
Whittier Superior Court
7339 South Painter Avenue, Whittier, CA 90602