Palo Alto Traffic Court [ CA ]
(650) 462-3800, 3840, 3850
Street Address
270 Grant Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94306
WWW Link
Generally referred to as Palo Alto Superior Court, or Santa Clara Superior Court - Palo Alto Courthouse.
About the area
Another wonderful spot in the Bay Area of California. Palo Alto has so much going for it we just do not know where to begin. Stanford University is here (one of our founders did some time in this gilded cage). One of the greatest college towns in the world, with oodles of bright young people brimming with crazy ideas like, um ... Yahoo and Google. If the internet has a center, this is it. This agglomeration of spoiled rich kids and spoiled rich adults leads to great restaurants, shopping, hiking, recreation. They got it all here. Just try to buy a house though. :-)
The best thing about Palo Alto is its streets always full of people and has a charming backdrop. The thing about crowded streets is it all feels like a festival on the lines of Rio. You should walk in this city as much as possible to experience the city life. There are plenty of areas on the bay side that you can opt for like café’s restaurants, the zoo and kidscentric entertainment.
Hours of Operation
Probably Commissioners Madden, Glassey & Yep. There are judges in the building if you need them.
Type Of Cases
Speeding infractions, license problems, red lights, etc.
Mailing Address
Palo Alto Traffic Court
270 Grant Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94306