Levy County Court [ FL ]
352-486-5224; -5266 x247 or 248 for traffic
Street Address
355 South Court Street, Bronson, FL 32621
WWW Link
About the area
Levy County has a very low population, as does Bronson. However this can not be enjoyed by the populace since Bronson is crowded into a land area of less than four square miles. Incomes are generally in the moderate range. Cedar Keys National Wildlife Preserve and part of Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Preserve are located in Levy County.
So is the county named for someone who is Jewish, or is it something about keeping water out? Maybe it's just about staying far enough outside of Gainesville.
Anne Brown serves the county, but probably doesn't do much prosecution.
Mailing Address
Levy Court
Postal Depository Number 610, Bronson, FL 32621-6520