Plantation Key County Court [ FL ]
Street Address
88820 Overseas Highway, Tavernier, FL 33070
WWW Link
City location is also listed as Plantation Key. Judging by the street number, it's probably near mile marker 88. Hearings are held for Traffic infractions commited between mile markers 70.5 and 113. Traffic infractions are heard on the the first and second Friday of each month.
About the area
Tavernier lies on (or near) the island of Key Largo; a narrow strip of land which borders on the Everglades National Park. Islamorada (purple island?) is just to the southwest, with Key Largo a bit the other way. Delightful views on both sides of US-1. You can go on some great boat rides into the glades dude. But don't make a mess.
Mailing Address
Plantation Key Traffic Court
88820 Overseas Hwy, Tavernier, FL 33070