Santa Rosa County Circuit Court [ FL ]
Judge Bergosh:850-981-5540; Judge Goodman:981-5541; Judge Santurri:981-5632; Judge Swanson:981-5542
Street Address
6865 Southwest Caroline Street, Milton, FL 32570
Although you might be thinking poetically while strolling in the area's parks this is not the home of John Milton and was not named for him.
About the area
Milton offers a few parks for letting off steam and to enjoy oneself. Carpenter's Park has, in addition to other recreational facilities, four boat ramps with trailer parking areas. Riverwalk is located in downtown Milton on the banks of the beautiful Blackwater River. There is a boardwalk which allows visitors to stroll under the Blackwater Bridge . These areas are places popular for weddings and receptions since a tranquil view of the river is possible from anywhere in the area.
Hon. Gary Bergosh, Hon. Marci L. Goodman, Hon. Thomas R. Santurri and Hon. Ron Swanson
Mailing Address
6865 SW Caroline Street, Milton, FL 32570