Atlanta City Court [ GA ]
Street Address
150 Garnett Street, Atlanta , GA 30303
WWW Link
The Hon. HoJo did go to the same college as Phil Simms, so there's a loose connection to the Big Apple.
Fines get up there for high speeds and for violating restrictions on trucks. Looks like going 30+ over the limit could be a problem in Atlanta City Court.
This may be the main Atlanta Traffic Court.
About the area
Atlanta is the biggest city in Fulton County and it also the financial capital. The city seems endless as you travel on the roads but definitely the travel will not be boring! Too many things to do and too much fun to have. This website's founder once took a nap in the stadium parking lot during a very long drive. And at a younger age, he slept in the Peachtree hotel - something like the 51st floor. Scary to some kids you know.
Hours of Operation
M-Th, 7:30 to half past 5
Hon. Deb Greene is the CJ, with a variety of others including Howard Johnson, who is not a restaurant and did not play for the Mets.
Mailing Address
Atlanta Municipal Court
Hundred Fifty Garnett Street Southwest, Atlanta , GA 30303