Rockwell City District Court [ IA ]
Street Address
416 4th Street, Rockwell City, IA 50579
Rockwell City District Court is the district court of Calhoun county and it is in the Second judicial district of Iowa. US 20, SR 4, SR 7 and SR 175 all run through Calhoun county.
About the area
The founding fathers of this city thought the high ground at the center of the county was a great place for a town and proceeded to lay out the town around 1876. A dispute among nearby towns for the choice of county seat was settled when the town founder promised half the town lots to the owner of the Illinois Central railroad if he would bring his railroad to Rockwell City which lay at the center of the county. Two big events in this city are the Calhoun County exposition in July and Sweet Corn Daze in August. The Annual Car Show & Shine takes place during the week of the exposition at the Rockwell city depot. The depot which was built at the end of the 19th century has been fully restored. Be sure to come to that corn event and taste some of the sweet corn. You might even want to take part in the corn eating contest.
Mailing Address
416 Fourth St,, Rockwell City, IA 50579