Elkader District Court [ IA ]
Street Address
111 High Street Northeast, Elkader, IA 52043
WWW Link
Elkader District Court is also known as the Clayton District Court. It is the First judicial district of Iowa. You should be able to find your way through Clayton county on US 18, US 52, SR 13, SR 56 or SR 128.
About the area
Elkader is located in the Turkey River Recreational Corridor and the natural beauty thoughout the city will draw you back to it. There are several sites throughout the city which are on the National Register of Historic Places and one of them, the Carter House, has been restored as a museum. On display in this museum are its collections of furniture, clothing, and artifacts from the 19th century. Another structure on the Register is the Elkader Opera House which replaced the old Turner Opera House destroyed by fire in 1902. The building, which opened to a production of the George M. Cohen musical, The Governor's Son, is the scene of concerts and special performances by local, imported groups and productions by the Opera House Players.
Mailing Address
Box 418, Elkader, IA 52043