Hampton District Court [ IA ]
Street Address
12 1st Avenue NW, Hampton, IA 50441
WWW Link
Hampton District Court is also known as the district court of Franklin county and is located in the Second judicial district of Iowa. To get to much of Franklin county you can use IS 35, US 65 or SR 3.
About the area
In this area of parkland and waters there are several places where you can enjoy the outdoors. The new Hampton Aquatic center with its slides and swimming lanes is located in Progress park where you can also find tennis courts, basketball courts and a Little League baseball field. East Park has a disc golf court and soccer fields. You might want to take in the Hampton Municipal band summer concerts at Band Shell park which is the scene of festival celebrations and other community events. Beeds Lake State park which is located just to the Northwest of Hampton has picnic shelters, a lodge building and places for camping, boating and fishing.
Mailing Address
12 First Ave. NW, Ste. 203, Hampton, IA 50441