Jefferson District Court [ IA ]
Street Address
114 North Chestnut Street, Jefferson, IA 50129
WWW Link
Jefferson District Court is the district court of Greene county. It is located in the Second judicial district of Iowa. You won't get into trouble traveling on SR 4, SR 25 or SR 144 in Greene county as long as you don't speed.
About the area
The city of Jefferson has something to remind its citizens of the time of day. Sitting on the Southwest corner of the Greene County Courthouse plaza in the downtown area is the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower all 14 stories of it. The bells chime on the hour, quarter and half hour and music is played daily from an electric keyboard. The tower has a glass elevator which visitors can ride ride to the observation deck where they can look out on view of Jefferson and the countryside of five counties. A plaza has been constructed in Jefferson to honor Doreen Wilber, the Olympic Gold Medalist in Archery at the Munich, Germany Olympics in 1972, with a statue of the honoree in the center. Residents of the city have available to them exercise and entertainment venues such as the Greene County Community center with an indoor track, racquetball court, aerobic classes and free weight lifting room and the Jefferson swimming pool.
Mailing Address
114 N. Chestnut St., Jefferson, IA 50129