Dakota City District Court [ IA ]
Street Address
203 Main St., Dakota City, IA 50529
Dakota City District Court is the district court of Humboldt county in the Second judicial district of Iowa. US 169 and SR 3 cross in Humboldt county.
About the area
Dakota City lies along the East fork of the Des Moines river. Just to the East of the city is the Italianate style farm house, circa 1878, built by a miller from New York. After a period of deterioration following the departure by the original owners, the home was restored and furnished with pieces reflecting the Victorian period of its construction. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The East Des Moines River Mill, built by the miller from New York, was destroyed by a fire in the 1940's. However, parts of the mill and the dam remain and can still be seen on the river near the Mill Farm House.
Mailing Address
Box 100, Dakota City , IA 50529