Glenwood District Court [ IA ]
Street Address
418 Sharp Street, Glenwood , IA 51534
Glenwood District Court serves as the district court of Mills county in the Fourth judicial district of Iowa. IS 29 and US 275 run through Mills county. US 34 and US 59 also are in this county.
About the area
In the Mills County Historical museum you weill be absolutely amazed by their large collection of Native American artifacts some from 1000 years ago and arrowheads and tools from tribes in the area 150 years ago. The museum also displays representations of life in rural Iowa over the last 100 years with exhibits of clothing, farm equipment, and household conveniences. In addition there is also a one-room school, a large peg and beam barn, a former jail and a Burlington railroad caboose on the site. Glenwood Davies amphitheater is the scene of musical performances by artist from all over.
Mailing Address
418 Sharp St., Glenwood , IA 51534