Clarinda District Court [ IA ]
Street Address
112 E. Main St., Clarinda, IA 51632
WWW Link
Clarinda District Court is also known as the Page District Court and is located in the Fourth judicial district. US 71, SR 2 and SR 48 are roads well traveled in Page county.
About the area
The first settler in this county arrived around 1840 with his brothers and built their cabin here. Clarinda was laid out around 1857. Although the city has the availability of a large number of different goods and services, it retains its small town flavor. Recreational needs are well served by the city's three parks with a variety of equipment and the Clarinda Lied Center in City park. The centers has an over 10,000 square foot open area with a rubberized walking/jogging track surrounding the gym floor. The area can accommodate basketball and volleyball. Additionally the center has an indoor swimming pool, weight room and racquetball court. Glenn Miller, famous bandleader, was born here and the city has built a museum dedicated to him and annually holds a Glenn Miller festival in June. The festival features musical presentations by bands from around the world and the orchestra. Two other events i this city will probably attract you and many other visitors; the Page county fair and the annual Craft Carnival.
Mailing Address
Box 263, Clarinda, IA 51632