Pocahontas District Court [ IA ]
Street Address
99 Court Square, Pocahontas, IA 50574
WWW Link
Pocahontas county has a good system of roads consisting of SR 3, SR 4, SR 7, SR 10 and SR 15.
About the area
There is no particular reason the county and city are named for the Indian princess Pocahontas but the city is called "the Princess City" The city area was first owned by a married couple from Ohio. Around 1870 they had it surveyed and laid out the lots, blocks, avenues, streets and alleys naming the streets after themselves and their children. At this time there was nothing in this city which was originally known as the Village of Pocahontas Center. Around 1872 the first permanent resident of the city purchased the real estate office, set up for selling plots in the city, some 10 acres around it and made it a home for himself and his family. Besides the county parks and campgrounds around the city, there are several recreational facilities in Pocahontas including baseball diamonds, soccer fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, Elbert Park and playground, a campground and a swimming pool. A unique sight in Pocahontas county are the painted barn quilts displayed on over 30 different barns and farm buildings throughout the county.
Mailing Address
Ninety-Nine Court Square, Pocahontas, IA 50574