St. Maries Magistrate Court [ ID ]
Street Address
701 College Avenue, St. Maries, ID 83861
St. Maries Magistrate Court is the magistrate court of Benewah county in the First judicial district of Idaho. Distict court hearings are held here as well with a district judge visiting from Bonner county. The major roads in this county are US95, SR 3, SR 5 and SR 6.
About the area
After the completion of the Mullan Road around 1860, there was some settlement in the area but the discovery of gold near St. Maries around 1880 brought many more settlers. The city, however, was not established until around 1913 and located where the St. Maries and St. Joe rivers meet. Each August the Benewah County fair is held in this city. At this fair you can expect to see people exhibit the results of their work in clothing, cooking, art, photography, quilting, sewing, archery, firearms, gardening, hobbies, crafts and canning. The annual Pie Contest is held at this fair. The annual Paul Bunyan Days celebration is held here on Labor day weekend. This event features logger competition, food booths, carnival rides, games, a parade, swim pool events, Idaho's largest "topless" beer bar (no roof that is), and a fireworks show. - St. Maries. Three days of show Sunday night. 2013
Mailing Address
701 College Ave., St. Maries, ID 83861