Soda Springs District Court [ ID ]
Street Address
159 S. Main Street, Soda Springs, ID 83276
WWW Link
Soda Springs District Court is commonly known as the district court of Caribou county. Located in the same building is the magistrate court of Caribou county and both courts are in the Sixth judicial district of Idaho. Running through Caribou county, US 30 and SR 34 meet in Soda Springs.
About the area
With its formation in the Winter of 1919, Caribou county became the last county in Idaho to be established. It got its name indirectly from a prospector who went to the gold rush in British Columbia and later discovered gold in this area. Soda Springs, the county seat, is home to the only captive geyser in the world located in the aptly named Geyser park. An interesting spot to visit is Formation Springs and Cave preserve. The preserve is characterized by Formation cave, almost 10 feet tall and close to 200 feet long, and crystal clear pools. Many waterfowl can be seen at the pools and in the preserve you may come upon mule deer, raptors and songbirds. Octagon Spring park features an eight-sided kiosk which covers the carbonated water spring which issues forth from the earth at this point. Hooper Springs park is another place with spring water where sparkling soda water is still available. At Thomas Corrigan park there are two items on display which were factors in the transportation of this area in the 1920's and 1930's. The Conda bus was a railroad coach which transported phosphate mine workers and others, between Soda Springs and the town of Conda. The Dinkey engine was a miniature locomotive, which hauled supplies to the Alexander Reservoir dam during its construction.
Mailing Address
Box 775, Soda Springs, ID 83276