Challis Magistrate Court [ ID ]
Street Address
801 E. Main Street, Challis, ID 83226
Challis Magistrate Court for all intensive purposes might be called Custer County Magistrate Court. The Custer county district court court meets the third Wednesday of each month in the same building as the magistrate court. Both of these courts are in the Seventh judicial district of Idaho. The main roads running through Custer county are US 93, SR 21 and SR 75.
About the area
The Shoshone and Nez Perce peoples came to the area around Challis to hunt and fish and they still fish in traditional tribal waters in the area. When Challis was first laid out around 1876 it served as the supply depot for remote ranches and mining camps. To this day Challis is a center for the mining, ranching and recreation industries and on Main street there are still local businesses located in historic buildings. The North Custer museum has exhibits dealing with the history of the region. The Challis Mountain Lilac festival is a spectacular series of events starting in May and running through the month of June. The events include the Challis Arts fest, MadDog gallery exhibits, outdoor concerts, golf and bowling tournaments, the Round Valley Horse show and Kenney Madsen Memorial Roping and the Classy Chassis show and Shine Car show. Wow, that's sure a mouthful if not an eyeful and an earful.
Mailing Address
Box 385, Challis, ID 83226