Christian County Circuit Court [ IL ]
Street Address
101 S Main St, Taylorville, IL 62568
About the area
Approximately 715 square miles of territory constitute the land of Christian County, nested in the arms of Macon, Shelby, Montgomery, and Sangamon Counties. No matter if you use the US Route 51, the Illinois Route 29, or the Illinois Route 104, all of them will take you to this big community of a bit less than 35400 inhabitants residing in three cities, twelve villages, ten unincorporated cities, and seventeen townships. With a population density of 50 people per square mile, this territory presents a racial makeup with White, African America, Native America, Asian, and other races; all of them influenced by the German, American, and English roots of the first foreign colonies arriving to this land during the settlement years.
John Coady and Ronald Spears have nothing to do with Britney or Disney`s agent Cody Banks!
Mailing Address
Christian County Courthouse - P.O. Box 647 or 617, Taylorville, IL 62568