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--Barton County
--Great Bend Municipal Court
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Great Bend Municipal Court

Phone 620-793-4124
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Mailing Address 1217 Williams St., Great Bend , KS 67530
Street Address 1217 Williams Street, Great Bend , KS 67530
Fax 4108
WWW Link
What a mish-mosh of roads; US 281, going Nort/South, meets US 56 (SR 96/ SR 156) ,going East/West, in town, but then US 218 Bypass in the Eastern part of town meets both of them.
About the area
The city's June Jaunt held annually in June is an artsy and crafty kind of thing, but a lot of fun. There is lots to see such as the Barton County Art display, the Birdhouse Art tour, the Functional pottery display, the Golden Belt Wood Carvers Art display and Chalk Art competition. Plenty of fun can also be had at the June Jam in the Zoo with a barbeque, live music and free GPS scavenger hunts. All the events of this festival take place at different sites throughout the city. The Wetlands at Great Bend Aquatic Center has outdoor warm weather fun for everyone. There are slides, spray features, zero depth entry to the water feature, a tipping bucket, a swimming pool with a divided shallow end a new bathhouse.
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