Douglass Municipal Court [ KS ]
Street Address
322 S. Forrest Street, Douglass, KS 67039
WWW Link
No highways going through here but East First street seems to be the major street in Douglass.
About the area
Each October the city celebrates Douglass Frontiers Day. The festival has the usual things like a Parade, a Chili Cookoff, a Car Show, a home-made Salsa contest, a Lawn Mower Race and a Hot Dog eating contest as well as ome music. But the warm hospitality of the people in this town makes this a fun event to attend. Around 1950 a group of ladies in town began a collection of pioneer relics and memorabilia. These were displayed in store windows during Frontier Days. Whwn the collection grew, it was displayed in various rooms in the downtown area. The Formation of the Douglass Historical Society and money from the passage of a bill for historical preservation by the Legislature enabled purchase of the first museum building. After a few years, a trade with the city for the City Hall building allowed the museum to expand into this building.
Mailing Address
Box 412, Douglass, KS 67039