Minneola Municipal Court [ KS ]
Street Address
126 Main Street, Minneola, KS 67865
WWW Link
The people of Minneola are lucky, they have both US 45 and US 283 running through their city.
About the area
A few miles South of Minneola at the Big Basin and Little Basin area; you will find St. Jacob's Well. Thousands years ago when the earth below the surface collapsed it created this bowl like area. A little over 1.7 miles from the highway entrance to the area there is a smaller area, surrounded by large cottonwood trees and limestone rock, within which the spring-fed pool called St. Jacob's Well lies. Called bottomless because it rarely goes dry; the well is actually 60 feet deep. While you are there do not pet the buffalo who roam the area and above all do not touch the three leafed plants, called poisin ivy, growing near the well. .
Mailing Address
Box 156, Minneola, KS 67865