Burlington District Court [ KS ]
Street Address
110 South 6th Street, Burlington, KS 66839
WWW Link
Burlington District Court is the Fourth District Court of Coffey County in the judicial district court system of Kansas.
About the area
For a visit into the past of this area you would not want to miss a visit to the Coffey County Historical Society and Museum. The museum is located in Katy Park, part of the original townsite of Burlington which was first laid out in the late 1850's. The turn of the 19th century to the 20th century provided many of the items which make up the memorabilia displayed over a huge 12,000 square feet. Included in the displays is a model train display covering a large area, a 1900's bedroom; a 1920's kitchen, a 1900's parlor, a 1900's millinery shop, Indian artifacts, a barn area complete with saddles, oxen yoke, bits and other implements and the Cochran collection of close to 600 dolls
Hon. Eric W. Godderz
Mailing Address
110 S. Sixth St., Ste. 102, Burlington, KS 66839