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Arkansas City Municipal Court

Phone 620-441-4408
Map Google Map
Mailing Address 118 W.Central Ave., Arkansas City , KS 67005
Street Address 118 W. Central Avenue, Arkansas City , KS 67005
Fax 4426
WWW Link
Two major roads serve Arkansas City; US 77 and US 166 and they hook up with CR's 12, 16, 17 and 27.
About the area
About the time the city was surveyed, around 1870 a newspaper was started, a department store opened and they were followed by a post office, the First Methodist school, a saw mill, flour and feed mills. As the year 1879 was ending the Sante Fe raiilroad was extended to this city. On the ocaission when the two great land races occurred, around 1889 and 1893; Arkansas was the staging area for over 100,000 hopeful land owners. A bit Northwest of the city, the Chaplin Nature center, along the Arkansa river, has over five miles of walking trails for visitors to explore the varied environment. Arkansa City is home to Cowley County Community college which in addition to its certificate programs offer Associte degrees in Graphic Design, Web Design and Interior Design.
The Honorable N.M. Iverson, Jr.
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