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Abilene Municipal Court

Phone 785-263-1213
Map Google Map
Mailing Address Box 519, Abilene, KS 67410
Street Address 419 N. Broadway St., Abilene, KS 67410
Fax 1523
WWW Link
You can go almost anywhere by using IS 70 which lies just to the North of the city and you reach that highway by going North through town on SR 15.
About the area
While you are in town hop aboard the Abilene & Smoky Valley Railroad for afun ride on some old railroad cars. For some more fun jump on the C.W. Parker Carousel with its hand carved horse and chariots which have been completely restored. Most people have not attended Greyhound racing but they might still be interested in visiting the Greyhound Hall of Fame. here is the place where famous racing greyhounds are enshrined. You can also see a movie about greyhounds and view a miniature race track. Besides wherelse can you be greeted by two retired racing greyhounds..
Hon. Douglas Thompson
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