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Elwood Municipal Court

Phone 913-365-6871
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Mailing Address 207 N. Sixth St., Box 357, Elwood, KS 66024
Street Address 803 Massachusetts Street, Elwood, KS 66024
Fax 0025
WWW Link
SR 238 runs through the Western part of Elwood and turns to run through the Southern part of town. US 36 also runs through the Southern part of town.
About the area
Elwood lies along the Missouri river and the border with Missouri. The city, established in the 1850's, was first known as Rose Port. When the city was thriving, many river steamboats unloaded passengers and freight here and there was even a ferryboat to St. Joseph, Missouri. Emigrants stopped here for supplies before heading off for Oregon and California. Late in the 1850's, construction of the first railroad west of the Missouri River, began here. However, the Missouri river was the city's downfall; undermining the banks and washing away much of the old town.
Hon. Jerry Kuckelman
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