Syracuse Municipal Court [ KS ]
Street Address
219 N. Main St., Syracuse, KS 67878
This court is located in the same building as the district court. The residents of this town have no shortage of major roads to get around. US 50, US 400, and SR 27 all pass through Syracuse.
About the area
Syracuse had an inauspicious beginning around 1873 as a water tank and a railroad side track. Fifteen years later it had a population approaching 1,300. Its location along the Arkansas River enhances the city's productivity for wheat, hay, corn, and milo. Feedlots and dairies also contribute significantly to Syracuse's agriculture based economy. Syracuse-Hamilton County Municipal airport is located along the city's Northeast border. The Hamilton County museum has vast collections of items representative of the areas history. Among the items exhibited are such things as room arrangements of a parlor, bedroom and kitchen; bibles, books and maps; pictures and cameras; tools and buggies; farm equipment; Indian artifacts; antique cars and trucks and a barber Shop and general store.
Mailing Address
Syracuse Municipal Court, Syracuse, KS 67878