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Haviland Municipal Court

Phone 620-862-5317
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Mailing Address Box 264, Haviland, KS 67059
Street Address 109 N. Main Street, Haviland, KS 67059
Fax 5897
WWW Link
You will find US 54/US 400 running through the Southernmost part of Haviland and they are best reached from Main street.
About the area
The city of Haviland was named in honor of the American antislavery activist Laura Smith Haviland; a resident of southeastern Michigan, where she operated a station on the Underground Railroad. Haviland was settled by Quakers from Indiana in the early 1880's. Each July the Haviland Meteorite Festival is held in Haviland to celebrate the landing of the Brenham, Crater in the area a little less than 1000 years ago. Part of the festival is the meteorite digs where visitors to the festival can engage in a search for their very own piece of a meteorite. In addition to the famous meteorite of this city there are meteorites spread throughout Haviland that have a home in science museums everywhere.
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